About Us

Living Your Choice was born out of the love and respect we have for our senior citizens. Our team is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who are aging. We believe that choosing the right type of senior-living community is an important decision that can make a positive difference for each person.

Our mission is to aid in this decision-making process, which can often be emotionally difficult and confusing. We provide a hands-on approach customized for each individual by focusing on the life they lived as well as their vision for the future.

Our passion for working with the elderly has been carefully passed on to the staff members, all of whom are extensively trained to appreciate that each person is unique and important. At Living Your Choice, we believe that an individual’s life must be understood and honored in order to find the best possible community-living match.

Living Your Choice currently serves all of Southern California as well as the Portland/Salem areas of Oregon.

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